8:00am- 8:20am
£3.00 per day
Including breakfast
8:20am - 11:20am (toddlers) £21.00 per session
8:20am - 11:20am (pre-school) £16.00 per session
11:20pm - 12:15pm
£6.00 per day
Bring packed lunch or £2.10 per lunch
12:15pm - 3:15pm (toddlers) £21.00 per session
12:15pm - 3:15pm (pre-school) £16.00 per session
30 hrs
Monday - Thursday
8:20am – 3:15pm
Friday 8:20am -10:20am
NB: A minimum of four sessions need to be taken by non funded parents.
i.e, Four morning/afternoon or 4 full days.
Nursery fees are invoiced and payable by BACS or cash monthly.
A £100.00 deposit is taken to secure a non- funded place. If the place is not taken, once the deposit has been paid, then £70.00 will be refunded, £30.00 will cover the administration fee for all paying parents.