Promoting Fundamental British Values.
We aim to actively promote British values to ensure children are prepared for life in modern Britain. Children are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law. The Key Values are:
Behaviour Leads
Turn Taking /Egg timer
Golden rule - Good sharing
Actions have consequences
Discuss feelings and the impact negative behaviour has on other children
Help children to understand similarities and differences of themselves and others
Help children to understand that people are not all the same i.e cultural background and customs
We celebrate "Culture Week"
Gain awareness of celebrations of different religions
Visits to different places of worship i.e Church, Temple and Mosque
Having choices i.e snack time and story time
Teaching children their view and opinions are important
Children's thoughts and feelings should be listened to and valued
Giving children opportunities to make decisions
Support children to share and collaborate
Help children develop self confidence and manage feelings
We have an inclusive environment
Children are taught to respect all individuals
Children are supported to "have a go",to be independent
Risk taking opportunities offered i.e campfire, use of hammers and nails, sledging on the hill.
Discussions at reflection time
Key group time